Offroad Monkeys continue to grow from strength to strength.不断壮大。 This small, family-run Bavarian company continues to innovate in the production of high quality, precisely manufactured parts for the iconic Land Rover Defender vehicles.这家小型的家族式巴伐利亚公司在创新生产高品质,精确制造的标志性Land Rover Defender车辆零件方面进行了创新。

The company's founder Fabien Muller saw an opportunity when he saw that most Defenders eventually suffer badly damaged or badly rusted hinges, on the doors and bonnets of the vehicles, being the workhorse that it usually is, the normal hinges on a Defender are continually under strain and, unfortunately, the original vehicle hinges are not up to the task.该公司的创始人Fabien Muller看到了一个机会,当他看到大多数防御者最终遭受严重损坏或锈蚀严重的铰链时,通常它们是车辆的门和引擎盖上的主力,正常情况下,防御者上的普通铰链一直承受着压力。不幸的是,原始的车辆铰链无法胜任该任务。 The original door hinges have quite a few problems.原始的门铰链有很多问题。 Rust tends to build up and leaks down on the door in a rather ugly manner.铁锈倾向于以丑陋的方式堆积并泄漏到门上。 Humidity can get into the car.潮湿会进入车内。 Experienced Landy drivers are familiar with this problem.有经验的Landy驾驶员熟悉此问题。 The的 Offroad Monkeys have a permanent solution for this problem.对这个问题有一个永久的解决方案。 Their door hinges are built for eternity.他们的门铰链是永恒的。

精确地由飞机级铝制造, Offroad Monkeys Defender铰链是该公司生产的第一批产品。 However, since these beginnings,但是,从这些开始, Offroad Monkeys has continued to add high-quality replacement parts for the Defender to its product catalogue.继续将Defender的高质量替换零件添加到其产品目录中。 Today the Monkeys provide a wide range of replacement parts, including hinges for all of the doors, tailgates, and the bonnet, replacement mirror arms, replacement window frame holder and replacement window frame holders with built-in LED lights.如今,Monkeys提供了广泛的替换零件,包括用于所有门,后挡板和发动机盖的铰链,替换镜臂,替换窗框支架和带有内置LED灯的替换窗框支架。 With Offroad Monkey's new window blocks, 2 powerful low beam headlights with 2 power LEDs (each 8 watts) can be mounted.使用Offroad Monkey的新窗玻璃,可以安装XNUMX个带XNUMX个功率LED(每个XNUMX瓦)的强光近光大灯。 The cables are laid invisibly into the interior without having to drill additional holes.电缆不可见地铺设在内部,而无需钻孔。 Also, replacement sliding window covers, fuel caps and interior door handles, spacers for raising Chassis, Hardened brake pistons and more.此外,还需要更换滑动窗盖,加油口盖和室内门把手,抬高底盘的垫片,硬化的制动活塞等。


Fabian和团队 Offroad Monkeys 他们以产品的质量而自豪,而公司的既定使命是使已经很出色的车辆Land Rover Defender变得更大。

As an established premium brand the company also sells a small variety of branded lifestyle accessories, such as a range of petroleum lamps and T-shirts.作为一个知名的高级品牌,该公司还出售各种品牌的生活方式配饰,例如一系列的石油灯和T恤。 You can check out the range of products, get in touch with the team, and order online您可以查看产品范围,与团队联系并在线订购