他们说一幅画画了一千个字, TURAS we believe there is truth in this old proverb.我们相信这句古老的谚语中有真理。 Photography is obviously a big part of the magazine.摄影显然是杂志的重要组成部分。 For us, travel and adventure photography is about telling a story.对我们来说,旅行和冒险摄影是讲故事。


Photographic technologies have never been better, lighter or more robust.摄影技术从未变得更好,更轻或更坚固。 There is a very wide range of equipment available from the humble smartphone camera to very expensive digital SLR and video cameras.从不起眼的智能手机相机到非常昂贵的数码SLR和视频相机,设备种类繁多。 However another old adage is also true, that 'it's not so much about the tools as how you use them'.然而,另一句老话也是如此,即“与工具的使用方式有关的不只是工具”。 And with that in mind we thought we would briefly share some tips with you on getting the most out of your outdoor travel photography, some things to do , and some not to do, that could help to help improve your images.考虑到这一点,我们认为我们将与您简要分享一些技巧,以使您的户外旅行摄影获得最大收益,一些要做的事情,以及一些不应该做的事情,这些都可以帮助改善您的图像。


All good images tell a story, and sequences of images more so, but your photos should also be well composed, well exposed and interesting.所有好的图像都可以讲述一个故事,而图像序列则更能说明问题,但是您的照片也应该构图合理,曝光良好且有趣。 Composition is primarily important, one simple rule for improving your composition in general is to divide your image into nine equal squares in a grid and to locate important elements in the photo along these lines or at their intersections.构图是最重要的,通常,改善构图的一个简单规则是将图像分成网格中的九个相等的正方形,并沿着这些线或它们的交点定位照片中的重要元素。


A tripod is a very useful tool to have on photoshoots and can enable a wide range of options for both photography and videography, timelapse photography and long exposures being two of these.三脚架是拍摄照片的非常有用的工具,可以为摄影和摄像提供多种选择,缩时摄影和长时间曝光是其中的两个。 Long exposures can look great in the night and add real atmosphere to images.长时间曝光会在夜晚看起来很棒,并为图像增添真实的氛围。




These filters can add multiple 'stops' of exposure to your image.这些滤镜可以为图像添加多个“停止”曝光。 This enables you to use wider apertures, thereby reducing your depth of field and giving the images that are the focus of your shot a nice blurry background, this also causes the viewer to really focus on the subject.这使您可以使用更大的光圈,从而减小景深,并使作为拍摄焦点的图像具有很好的模糊背景,这也使观看者真正聚焦于主体。


F / 8和F / 11是风景中一些不错的光圈设置。




You can look for reflections in the water of the landscape or of the sky, our eyes are drawn to reflections.您可以在风景或天空的水中寻找反射,我们的眼睛被反射吸引。 Silhouettes can also be very interesting and attractive and can also be quite artistic images.剪影也可能非常有趣和有吸引力,也可以是非常艺术的图像。 We take lots of photographs of our camp cooking sessions for the magazine and food cooking over your campfire can look great, and hopefully delicious also, particularly in close up images.我们为杂志准备了许多露营烹饪课程的照片,篝火旁的食物烹饪看起来很棒,希望也很美味,尤其是近距离拍摄时。


When shooting outdoors, there are a few things you can do to ensure that more of your images are quality.在户外拍摄时,您可以采取一些措施来确保更多图像的质量。 Some of these are obvious but, nonetheless are important to remember.其中一些是显而易见的,但仍要记住。 Try to avoid shooting into the light/into the sun as this can create harsh images and shadows and lens flare.尽量避免在阳光下直射,因为这会产生粗糙的图像,阴影和镜头光晕。


Use a lens hood to shade your lens from the sun if you can, as this will reduce lens flare.如果可以的话,请使用遮光罩使镜头免受阳光照射,因为这会减少镜头眩光。 Try to avoid capturing your own shadow in your images, sometimes the sun can cast long shadows, and you are best to remain far enough away that your shadow is not captured (unless you want to capture it of course).尝试避免在图像中捕获自己的阴影,有时太阳会投射出长长的阴影,并且最好保持足够远的距离,以使阴影不会被捕获(当然,除非您要捕获它)。




As you get used to your camera we would encourage you to experiment with manual mode.当您习惯了相机后,我们建议您尝试使用手动模式。 Most cameras have this mode, that allows you to manually set your aperture, shutter speed and film/sensor speed.大多数相机具有此模式,可让您手动设置光圈,快门速度和胶片/传感器速度。

You can use your camera's built-in light meter to ensure that your selected combination of settings is correctly exposed.您可以使用相机的内置测光表来确保正确显示所选设置的组合。 For example, in daylight, a very wide aperture will normally need a very fast shutter speed (unless you are using a neutral density filter to reduce the light getting to the sensor).例如,在日光下,非常大的光圈通常需要非常快的快门速度(除非您使用中性密度滤镜来减少到达传感器的光)。

