WOOL has long been used by mankind to produce clothing.长期以来,WOOL被人类用来生产服装。 Wool fibres can be obtained from a variety of animals, including sheep, goats and rabbits amongst others.羊毛纤维可以从多种动物获得,包括绵羊,山羊和兔子等。 The most common type of wool today is sheep wool.当今最常见的羊毛类型是绵羊毛。 In the past, however, wild sheep were more hairy than woolly.但是,过去,野绵羊比羊毛更毛茸茸。 Sheep were first domesticated as long ago as 11,000 years and archaeological evidence from Iran suggests that sheep may have begun to be bred for their wool around 6000BC.绵羊最早在3000年以前就被驯化,来自伊朗的考古证据表明,绵羊可能已经在公元前4000年左右开始饲养羊毛。 The earliest recorded surviving wool clothes have been dated to circa 1500 to XNUMX BC.记录下来的尚存的羊毛衣服最早可追溯到公元前XNUMX至XNUMX年。 Woolly sheep were introduced into Europe from the Near East during the fourth millennium BC.公元前第四千年,羊毛羊从近东被引入欧洲。 In Europe, the oldest surviving wool fabric has been dated to circa XNUMXBC and was found preserved in a Danish bog.Before shears were invented, sometime during the Iron Age, wool was most likely plucked from sheep by hand or using bronze combs.在欧洲,幸存下来的最古老的羊毛织物可追溯到公元前XNUMX年,并保存在丹麦的沼泽中。

During the Roman era, wool, linen and leather were the most common materials to be used in clothing.在罗马时代,羊毛,亚麻和皮革是最常用于服装的材料。 In the medieval era, some trading fairs revolved around the production and sale of wool cloth and the trade in wool became a big and important business in Europe.在中世纪时期,一些交易会围绕羊毛布的生产和销售而进行,而羊毛贸易成为欧洲的重要业务。 In the 13th century this evolving wool trade became an engine of economic growth for what is now the Netherlands, Belgium and Southern Italy, and by the end of the 14th century Italy was the biggest producer.在15世纪,这种不断发展的羊毛贸易成为如今荷兰,比利时和意大利南部的经济增长的引擎,到XNUMX世纪末,意大利已成为最大的生产国。 In England during the black death, ten percent of wool production was used for textiles and this English trade grew during the XNUMXth century and the exporting of wool from England was strongly discouraged.在黑死病期间,英格兰的羊毛产量中有XNUMX%用于纺织品,并且这种英国贸易在XNUMX世纪有所增长,强烈禁止从英格兰出口羊毛。 Strict laws controlled the wool trade and the use of wool.严格的法律控制着羊毛贸易和羊毛的使用。 Smuggling wool out of the country was for a time punished with the cutting off of the hand of the offender.走私羊毛出境曾因切断犯罪者的手而受到惩罚。

1699年,英国王室禁止其美国殖民地与英格兰以外的任何其他国家进行羊毛交易。 Later, the industrial revolution introduced methods of mass production into the wool and cloth manufacturing industries.后来,工业革命将大规模生产的方法引入了羊毛和布料制造业。 For a time Germany overtook England as a top producer and Germany was in turn overtaken by Australia in 1845 and Australia is today still the top producer internationally, with China and New Zealand in second and third places.一段时间以来,德国超过英国成为第一大生产国,而德国又在2年被澳大利亚超越,今天澳大利亚仍是国际上第一大生产国,中国和新西兰分别位居第二和第三。 Today global wool production internationally is about 60 million tonnes per year, and XNUMX% of this is used to create clothing.Woollen clothes have long been favoured by fishermen and those working in cold and wet climates, as the clothes used by these outdoor workers, working in tough conditions had to be warm, hard wearing, water repellent and easy to repair.如今,全球全球每年的羊毛产量约为XNUMX万吨,其中XNUMX%用于生产服装。长期以来,渔民和在寒冷潮湿的气候下工作的人们都喜欢羊毛服装,在恶劣条件下工作必须保暖,耐磨,防水且易于维修。

Untreated wools still maintain the fatty lanolin from the sheep and can make the wool almost waterproof.未经处理的羊毛仍然可以保持绵羊的脂肪羊毛脂,并且可以使羊毛几乎防水。 In addition wool fibres can absorb a lot of water, around 20% of their weight in water before it starts to permeate the fibres, and this is why tightly woven raw wool fabrics have been worn by fishermen and outdoorsmen over the years.此外,羊毛纤维可以吸收大量的水分,在开始渗透纤维之前,它们会吸收约XNUMX%的水分,这就是为什么多年来渔民和户外人士都穿着紧密编织的原羊毛织物的原因。

Deubelskerl的产品特征一览-护罩可在三个位置调节,高领,两个胸袋和两个大侧袋(单手操作,衬有网眼),袖口配有钩环扣,可调节弹性底部,两个拉链。 Embroidered dragon logo on chest and back of the jacket.夹克的胸部和背面均绣有龙徽标。


材料厚度:1.1磅/ rm
尺码:XS – 3XL

如何保养Petromax Loden?

Petromax Loden衣物的维护成本非常低,并且在遵循以下提示时将经历许多年的冒险:穿上外套之后,简单地晾晒衣物即可使它们再次闻起来清新。 Milled Loden不会吸收异味,而且还可以抵抗体味或烟味。 Accumulated dirt can be simply brushed off when dry.干燥时,可以简单地清除积聚的污垢。 For strong and persistent dirt Loden clothing can also be simply dry cleaned if necessary.对于顽固的污垢,如有必要,Loden衣物也可以简单干洗。 It is also interesting to note that regular ironing condenses the garments surface and also preserves the water-resistance.有趣的是,定期熨烫会使衣服表面凝结并保持防水性。 You should always adjust your iron to medium and smooth out your garment surface with low pressure.您应该始终将熨斗调节至中度,并在低压下使衣服表面光滑。 It is recommended to cover the logo and lettering embroidery with ironing paper.建议用熨烫纸覆盖徽标和字母刺绣。 If looked after this jacket will last a lifetime.如果照顾好这件夹克将持续一生。