
Fishing and Camping with your 4WD

Fishing and Camping with your 4WD. There is nothing quite like heading off in your 4WD with the  camping and  fishing gear all packed up in the back as you search of that secret camping and  fishing location.Fishing is one of the many activities that you can enjoy with your 4WD that does not cost an arm and a leg. As novice fishermen it’s all about heading off the beaten track in search of that perfect fishing and campsite spot and spending  a couple of hours or even days casting a line while unwinding from the day to day pressures of our daily lives. The good news is that fishing is not an expensive hobby to get started, in fact you can pretty much be kitted out and ready to go on a fishing weekend for less than €100, and that includes purchasing your fishing rod, tackle,and all you need to get going. Chances are that if you give it a go and  enjoy the initial experience you will probably end up equipping your 4WD for those bigger and longer  fishing and camping adventures. It doesn’t really get much better than catching a fish,and  bringing it back to your camp getting the fire going and  cooking a simple but tasty meal.Our ancestors have been doing this for thousands of years and it’s something we all should try at least once, be warned you may get hooked (excuse the pun).

If you do decide to go beach fishing be sure to  prepare your vehicle for some beach driving.You will first need to choose your beach of choice and make sure that it is OK to drive on it and secondly check the tide times, the last thing you want to happen is getting stuck with your 4WD alone on a beach with the tide approaching rapidly. We have had a couple of near calls over the years and as a result we always check the tide times either online or by using a tide book that covers all the national tide times in Europe, you can buy these in most fishing tackle shops.

If you decide to take up this relaxing hobby well the first thing to consider is purchasing  a decent  beach fishing rod. Before you purchase one you will need to think about where you  plan to store it, in other words do you want to keep your rod inside or attached to the outside of your vehicle. Remember beach rods are normally longer than standard fishing rods so be mindful that non telescopic fishing rods will not fit inside your vehicle unless you are driving a 20ft custom made 4WD.I have a fairly long non telescopic beach rod that is stored outside of the vehicle.I use a fishing rod holder that attaches to my front light guard,it can hold up to four fishing rods. This is a very handy  accessory for storing fishing rods externally on the vehicle, advantages include easy access to my fully assembled rods. If you want to store your fishing rods in the vehicle well the best option is to purchase a telescopic fishing rod. Happy fishing 🙂

Fishing and Camping with your 4WD

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