
European Camping Rigs at Abenteuer & Allrad

European Camping Rigs at Abenteuer & Allrad

The Abenteuer & Allrad Camping and 4WD show celebrates its 20th anniversary next year 2018. The show is an annual event where 4WD enthusiasts and campers from all over the world arrive in Bad Kissingen in Germany and stay at what is now an expo in itself with the campground hosting overlanders from all over Europe.At the 2017 show we got a chance to check out some of these European touring trucks.

A 1977 Mercedes Benz LA 911 Dora and Jupp from Germany have been driving this beauty simply known as the Green Monster around the world since 2015

DEFENDER 130 These Swiss guys have a very comfortable and spacious kit out in their amazing Land Rover Defender Conversion.

2007 LAND ROVER DEFENDER From Wales in the UK Pam and Terry Brown have been driving this converted RAF Ambulance around Europe over the last couple of years

JEEP WRANGLER Now here’s a beauty, two generations from one family have owned this blast from the past, with a series set of Cooper Tyres this is a real eye catcher

No shortage of touring trucks at the Abenteuer & Allrad show, including ex military conversions and some well kitted out Geman built

LAND ROVER DEFENDER SOFT TOP 90 Simply called Sandy Alex has been building his pride and joy since purchasing this ex MOD relic in 2012. With a recently installed 300tdi engine, new suspension and rear axel this gem has plenty of touring miles to undertake across Europe

Bremach T-REX Camper This is a very impressive Italian made Bremach T-REX. Bremach has been building trucks in Italy since the 1950’s and have started to turn out some very interesting designs in recent years.

Arctic Trucks Mercedes Conversion This 2015 conversion has travelled extensively around the world with its Belgian owners.

European Camping Rigs at Abenteuer & Allrad

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