
Weather Apps

Weather Apps.

When you plan to spend most of your time in the outdoors it can be very advantageous to know in advance what the weather has in store

Weather Timeline

Weather Timeline is a simple weather app that focuses on summarising the next hour, the next 48 hours and the next week so you don’t have to. It presents the forecast in a timeline to help you quickly glance and digest the information and has a strong focus on color to outline the weather conditions.

The app includes current weather alerts/warnings for your chosen locations and includes a time machine weather forecast so you can look at the forecast months, even years in advance or check what the weather was like several decades ago.

This is one of the apps we use on an almost daily basis. It costs approximately 1.50 euro/dollars. Get it here.


YR.NO is an app produced by the Norwegian Meteorological Institute and NRK.which contains weather forecasts, textual forecasts, meteograms and extreme weather warnings.

We have found this to be one of the most accurate weather apps (along with Weather Timeline/Dark Sky) we particularly like the meteogram as a way of representing the forecast, see screengrab.


Weather Apps

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